Maddyn had her 2 month shots today....
I had missed her acutal first appointment, and this was the earliest I could re-schedule! She'll be 3 months in a couple of days, so it's a little belated, but whatever!
She cried when the needles went in, but was completely silent right after, and throughout the rest of the time there (15 minute wait afterwards), etc. I couldn't believe it! She's definitely got her big brother beat on this one!
Maddy weighs in at 12 lbs 2 oz now, and 23 1/4" long. She's getting so big! You know your baby is getting bigger when they graduate to the 1 ml category on the back of the Tylenol bottle...ha ha.
Last night she slept from about 10 pm to 5:30 am! I'll take it! We're starting to get more and more longer sleep streches now, so that's a good sign I hope! The 3 month mark seems to be the magic time for a lot things really. I can't wait to put her in the Jolly Jumper. When you hold her upright under her armpits in your lap, she won't sit! She loves to stand and tries to jump all the time, so I'm thinking it'll be a good thing for her. We just need a touch more strength in her neck, and she'll be good to go!
Cohen's still talking up a storm...and getting much more creative. He loves talking to his teddy bears and pushing them around in his dump truck. He gets very concerned if they fall out....we usually have to give them kisses, and then off they go!
We were in Waterton this past weekend, and they have a new spray park for the kids, which Cohen LOVED. I'm no longer worried that he'll never go in the water at our spray park here in town, that's for sure! We saw lots of Deer (as usual) and a group of 5 mountain goats...all of which were right in front of our cabin.....the deer were hanging out in our yard. We're so blessed to have the family cabin available to us every summer! Waterton has a special place in my heart for sure, and I'm so happy that Cohen has such a great time there! He keeps saying, "Let's go to the mountains" :)
Tomorrow is our wedding anniversary (5 years!!!!!). We're heading down to Great Falls to do some shopping. Yes, I know....when you think "romance" you immediately think of Great Falls, Montana!!! haha. We just wanted somewhere close where we could still "Get away", etc. We're leaving Cohen with his Grandparents and just taking Maddyn, etc. Should be good!
Hmm....I think that's it for now!
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