Thursday, September 3, 2009

Oh my goodness this summer has been busy busy busy!! It's sad that I haven't posted since the end of July. Oh well.

We attended two weddings in for Jared's younger brother Tyler, and the other for my cousin Jesse. Tyler and Lisa were married in Cardston, and Jesse and Jolene in Waterton. Both were very nice weddings.....long days for Cohen though :) The life of a small child.

Cohen's been cutting teeth left and right. We were in a store yesterday, and Cohen has been whining big time while we were in we head out to the car, set him in his seat, and he's got blood around his mouth! He'd had his fingers in his mouth (gnawing on them due to the teething) and sure enough, one of his teeth had just broken through....hence the small amount of blood. Poor guy! He's got a few molars now, which suprisingly didn't really affect him that much. Most moms i've talked to said they were the worst....maybe we're just lucking out?

This weekend we're heading to Olds to visit my parents and install a new furnace for them (Jared's job of course). I'll bring him water and cheer him on After this weekend, we'll be HOME for more than 1 week at a time!!!!! AMAZING!!!!!
I don't think we've got any weekend excursions planned until Thanksgiving now. MMMmm...Thanksgiving.....turkey.....ah. 1 month away....

Um, what else. My business is still going strong....I've taken down my ads on Kijiji and i'm still getting orders through Facebook and word of mouth. It's crazy busy, but a huge blessing of course to be able to bring some money in here and there.

UGH. I'm sure that I'm missing a lot of things, but it's not coming to me right now...mostly because my stomache is yelling at me and saying that I need to eat.....which seems to veto any other decisions right now :)

I'll try to keep this going a bit better :)



Wow, you're finally settled for an entire week AND posted something to your family blog. You must have too much time on your hands! hehe

'And turkey - I agree with the mmmmm. Do we know if we're going to be together this year (I assume we would be) and where we're having it?