Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Well, I'm trying to start updating this more regularly...and I haven't been doing a very good job :) Clearly.

Baby #2 is due in 18 days, and I'm of course crossing my fingers that she'll come sooner than that. I have a feeling she'll come a week to 10 days early. That would be AWESOME anyway.

Cohen's talking up a storm....speaking in sentences much more often now, which I'm told is great for only being 22 months old. He's such a smarty! Lately, he says:
"I hear something!"
"I see something"
"I see a doggie over there!"
I can't wait to teach him to read. It's my next big thing....letter recognition. That and potty training. Should be fun!

This weekend we're having my family over for Easter Dinner, and I'm making a white checkerboard cake, iced with the basketweave technique in a Key Lime Cream Cheese Icing....I hope it turns out! Luckily everyone in my family likes Lime...because I really want to try it out.

The weekend after that, my Aunt Colette and cousin Rachelle are throwing me a baby shower here in town, so that'll be awesome. Who knows, maybe I'll be in the hospital by then :) Not that I want to miss the shower of course, but I WANT THIS BABY OUT too :) Ah, the joys of being 37 weeks pregnant with NO sleep.

Hmmm....nothing new with Jared really...he went snowboarding a little while back for the first time in 10 years, and had a great time!

I think that's it for now!