Thursday, December 9, 2010

Yeah, I'm not even going to attempt to catch up with everything that's happened since I posted last!
The other day, Maddy finally decided to start crawling!!!! I've been impatiently waiting and waiting for her to figure out that she can move her hands forward! This girl can do perfect yoga poses, but wouldn't take that leap of faith.
Anyway, now she's bumping her head into everything and whatnot. Good ol' mobility! She also loves to crawl under the piano bench and chew on the foot pedals (gross, I know). I pull her out of there as quickly as I can! Uck. I guess they're "shiny"?

After 2 and a half years, they released me from being the Primary Pianist, and now I get to teach in Relief Society---yay me. I'm NOT a public speaker kind of girl, but it's once a month, so I mean.....not bad really. I was initially shocked, but I think I'm over it :) My first lesson is on the 19th....and I'm also singing in Sacrament Meeting with a friend that day of rest will turn into a day of STRESS. Should be interesting!

We're in the process of converting our "loft" area upstairs into Maddyn's bedroom. She needs to have her own room.....or rather, WE NEED OUR ROOM BACK! :) She's up 2-3 times in the night now---we were doing well, only up once, and now it's progressed into some bad habit! It'll be fun breaking her of that, but it has to happen now, or I'll lose my mind from sleep deprivation. Good times.

Hmmm.....looking forward to Christmas! We're doing "early Christmas" with my family the weekend before the actual holiday....and then we'll be spending Christmas Eve/Day, etc with Jared's family this year. I really just can't wait to see Cohen's reaction to everything, as he's more at the age now where he can really comprehend what's going on (the whole "Santa" thing), etc.

For some reason (and i'm NOT complaining) Cohen has been getting more and more polite in these last few weeks. He's a pretty good little boy in general---always has been, but lately he's been racking up the thank you's and please's. I'll hand him something that he asked for and he'll say, "Oh! Thank you very much Mommy. Thanks for getting that for me.". He's such a sweetie. I hope it continues! I can't stand bad manners, so this is great!!!

I'm drawing a blank, so that's it for now I guess!
As I seem to take like months to write each entry, I'd better wish you all a very Merry Christmas!! We hope your holiday season is full of love and laughter!

~The Russells~